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More than a million Americans have chosen to join a Health Care Sharing Ministry to provide for their families' health care needs. Today, that freedom is under threat. Your voice can make the difference.

Your activism is needed in the following states right now. Will you contact policy makers and let them know how important it is to preserve a refuge for Christians seeking a health care solution that is consistent with our beliefs?

Health Care Sharing Ministries are an important faith-based alternative to health insurance. Their ministries shouldn’t be required to provide exhaustive and intrusive reporting to the Division of Insurance and subjected to the punitive enforcement authority of the Insurance Commissioner because they are not insurance and are already regulated by the Attorney General.

These communities are led by faith and stay true to their biblical beliefs in their health care choices. We want the government to stay out of these communities of spiritual and financial support for so many Christian families. 

Since the 1980s, Health Care Sharing Ministries have helped their members share billions of dollars in eligible medical bills, including major medical expenses such as surgery, childbirth, cancer treatment, and other life-changing events. They provide reliable help for more than a million Americans, including thousands of people in every state in the U.S. and even ex-patriots living overseas.

Health Care Sharing Ministries are uniquely American; they build on the traditional right of Americans to share their burdens in like-minded communities and to forge bold and innovative solutions to big challenges like the rising cost of health care. 

We don’t need more government control over our daily lives. Enough is enough.

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